Is there a way to console or recommendation we can offer to encourage who wishes to commit suicide to choose life?
It’s the case of knowing someone who’s undergoing untold suffering and distress and wishes to commit suicide. Is there a way to console or recommendation we can offer to encourage him to choose life?
Could it be true for Prince Siddhattha to take seven steps immediately after he was born? How can we explain this phenomenon to a skeptic?
Buddhists today have wondered whether if it could be true for Prince Siddhattha to take seven steps immediately after he was born. How can we explain this phenomenon to a skeptic?
What is the definitive meaning to the saying “Good deeds brings wholesome results and bad deeds produce retribution”?
What is the definitive meaning to the saying “Good deeds brings wholesome results and bad deeds produce retribution”? Luangphaw can you please help clarify this for me because people nowadays believe that doing good deeds does not necessary lead to good results. However, they believe that misdeeds can yield benefits. What has led them to think in this way?
If I am determined to keep the 5 precepts fully as Luang Phaw explained about the sweetened tamarind, what will I receive as a result?
Examples of the outcome of Merit:
1. A long life because one did not kill in the past 2. Freedom from illness because one did not treat animals badly or cause them distress
Meditation Class for Locals // Thai Buddhist Meditation Center Tokyo, Japan
The teaching monk explained and advised the way to prevent them from regretting later actions that are classified into 2 categories, which are:
The World’s First 5D Presentation on the Life and Times of the Lord Buddha.
Come experience the world’s first 5D presentation on the life and times of the Lord Buddha at The Secrets of Life Exhibition.
Perseverance in Meditation Practice until True Peace is Obtained
In order to fully grasp and understand the answer, he had to seriously dedicate his life to the study of Dhamma.
Buddhist Capitalism
How to Manage Family Life #1
The practice of regulation one’s emotions prior to getting married is an important foundation of maintaining a marriage